We are employing novel design principles and architectures precisely
chosen to enhance operating temperatures within a class of compounds known as single-molecule magnets.
These molecules exhibit a strong directional dependence to their
magnetization (known as magnetic anisotropy) and magnetic hysteresis, previously thought to
be exclusive to bulk magnets. As such, single-molecule magnets are of great interest for
applications including quantum computing, quantum sensing, and even dark matter detection.
Through the judicious manipulation of ligand fields, electronic structure, and magnetic
interactions, we are endeavoring to create systems exhibiting striking new magnetic behaviors.
Design motifs including highly anisotropic lanthanide ions, low-coordinate transition
metals, and radical bridges are used to access unprecedented electronic structures,
exceptionally strong magnetic exchange coupling, and anisotropies rivaling those of commercial
permanent magnets. We are also creating new systems with potential applications in quantum
information science, with the central hypothesis that molecular design principles established
for single-molecule magnets can be adapted to give rise to a generation of electronic spin
qubits with atomically precise local and global structures.